Monday 24 July 2017

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Com esses temas em mente, ela olha alguns dos principais eventos comerciais para assistir esta semana. Lançado no início da segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro, o PMI da Caixan Manufacturing mostrou que a produção da fábrica na China declinou por um quinto mês consecutivo. Isso provocou um mergulho no índice CSI 300 do chip azul. Que desencadeou um disjuntor de circuito recém-criado que interrompeu todas as ações negociadas. Os medos sobre a desaceleração na China não são nada de novo, mas esses dados derramam mais combustível em um incêndio em mercados emergentes e reverberam em todo o mundo. Tomando sua sugestão da Ásia, o FTSE 100 abriu 2 mais baixos e o DAX caiu mais de 3 na manhã de segunda-feira. Na negociação forex, os resultados eram previsíveis - o iene japonês aumentou mais de 1 e os dólares da Austrália e da Nova Zelândia diminuíram pelo menos 1. Agora, os comerciantes estão olhando para as quartas-feiras Caixan Services PMI. Embora menos observado do que o irmão de fabricação, isso poderia oferecer algumas pistas sobre a natureza do reequilíbrio na economia chinesa. Os investidores do Reino Unido estão assistindo o triplo dos relatórios mensais do PMI nesta semana. A fabricação começou a rolar na segunda-feira, com o relatório mostrando que o crescimento diminuiu novamente. O setor de fabricação do Reino Unido terminou em 2015 com uma nota decepcionante, com sua taxa de crescimento diminuindo ainda mais desde o início dos últimos anos até a marca de estagnação, comentou Rob Dobson, economista sênior dos compiladores da pesquisa Markit. Isso sugere que a indústria fará, na melhor das hipóteses, apenas uma contribuição marginal e positiva para o crescimento econômico mais amplo no último trimestre do ano. Em seguida, o PMI de construção na terça-feira e os PMI de serviços importantes na quarta-feira. Os investidores estarão à procura de sinais mais positivos de crescimento na economia. Sinais de um amolecimento na economia britânica tornam as taxas de juros mais baixas menos prováveis. Que tradicionalmente marca fraqueza para a libra esterlina. O GBPUSD é atualmente um pouco mais baixo em oito meses, perto de uma calha de quase seis anos. A última reunião da Reserva Federal de Decembers - que finalmente viu o banco central aumentar as taxas após meses de especulação - foi um dos eventos de mercado mais esperados do ano. Como tal, os minutos da reunião serão examinados minuciosamente pelos investidores quando forem divulgados na quarta-feira. Um dos lançamentos econômicos mais amplamente seguidos é o relatório mensal de folha de pagamento não agrícola dos EUA. É visto como um indicador-chave do estado da economia dos EUA e aparece na primeira sexta-feira de cada mês. Os dois últimos relatórios têm expectativas espancadas. Os comerciantes estarão observando este com cuidado, pois poderia oferecer pistas sobre quando o próximo aumento da taxa de juros pelo Fed é provável. Ganhos de Wall Street - Primeiro lote Finalmente, esta semana também vê o primeiro lote de lançamentos de ganhos corporativos em Wall Street. Monsanto é o primeiro a aumentar, apresentando seu relatório trimestral antes de mercados abertos nos EUA na quarta-feira. A empresa de biotecnologia teve um passeio difícil no ano passado e os investidores estarão assistindo a qualquer desembarque nos ventos de frente que está enfrentando. Em seguida, na quinta-feira, Bed Bath Beyond. Que já advertiu os investidores a esperar más notícias. A Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc também entrega seu relatório de ganhos na quinta-feira. O que é o Tradefair Tradefair é o serviço de apostas do novo spread da Betfairs, que oferece negociação em milhares de mercados financeiros como Gold, EURUSD, FTSE 100 e Twitter. Se você acha que os preços estão indo para cima ou para baixo, a Tradefair permite que você faça uma visão. Por favor, note: nossos serviços incluem produtos que são negociados na margem e correm o risco de perder mais do que o seu depósito inicial. Os produtos podem não ser adequados para todos - assegure-se de compreender completamente os riscos envolvidos. Coloque a junção desta linha, pois os blocos e sistemas de grupos de futebol classificados serão revelados. A temporada australiana terminou na semana 3 e havia cinco empates, isto é, 7,15,21, 33 e 35 adicione o número da semana aos sorteios, para produzir uma linha vencedora na primeira semana de inglês, ou seja, 7 3 10 xx 15 3 18 xx 21 3 24 ff 33 3 36 xx 35 3 38 ff este é um bom começo para Nossos membros, parabéns, junte-se a nós antes que seja tarde demais. Ligue para coputa agora, 08160867587. Seguindo o senhor, mas sou novo para isso, entrei na semana 5 especial na semana 4, os sorteios terminaram 49 e 4 9 13, houve 13 empates no cupom, esta semana vamos reverter os números de drawr, ou seja, 31 e adicionar o primeiro Desenhe para dar-lhe 32, portanto, 31 pares 32 na semana 5 dnt atraso, inscreva-se agora. 08160867587 Eu segui-te o ..abeg drop 3 draws na. Semana 06 especial a última carta do último sorteio mais o número de sorteio na semana anterior para desenhar a semana seguinte..ref semana 3, o número 35 foi o último sorteio e houve 5 empates no cupom, ou seja, 5 5 10xx número 10 Desenhou na semana 4 na semana 4, o número 49 foi o último sorteio no cupom e houve 13 empates no cupom, ou seja, 13 9 22xx, o número 22 empatou na semana 5 na semana 5, o número 49 foi o último sorteio e houve 7 empates No cupom, ou seja, 9 7 16x número 16 para desenhar mais 2 outros e um par, ligue para 08160867587 Tudo. Isso é para ser um fórum onde compartilhamos informações gratuitas para ajudar uns aos outros. Não basta soltar o seu número e pedir aos fiéis que liguem, então você faturá-los e dar-lhes bomba de tempo no lugar de NAPS que é injusto, por favor. Moderadores, por favor, faça algo sobre isso mais cedo. A família dos números dos sorteios nos sorteios menos um para desenhar na semana seguinte wk.3 (05draws) 15 - 1 14xx e 35 - 1 34xx lt 14 e 34 empataram na semana quatro semanas 4 (13 empates) 23 - 1 22xx desenhou na semana cinco semanas. 5 sem família wk 6 (17 draws) 7 - 1 6xx e 27 - 1 26 xx esta semana sete números 6 e 26 são dois sorteios Semana 8 xx 41 cbk xx 10 x par xx 12 xx junte-se à equipe vencedora 08160867587 Subtrair um de O primeiro desenho de dois dígitos, o resultado para desenhar na semana seguinte. REF WK.3 gt 15 - 1 14 Bleep WK.4 gt 10 - 1 09 Bleep WK.5 gt 13 -1 12 XX WK.6 gt 12 - 1 11 XX WK.7 gt 11 - 1 10 xx 10 XBK Adicionar tudo Os dígitos únicos nos sorteios, a resposta para desenhar a semana seguinte..REF WK.5 3 9 12 XX WK.6 14578 25X WK.7 246 12 nos.12 para desenhar nos. 41 para desenhar por quatro semanas SEMANA 9 Esta semana é marcada como uma cotação de leite para as apostas de WISEquot pools passou por chelsea no número 2 e Aberdeen nos.5, é uma computação matemática. Eu postei esse número que Bleep 41 Bleep vai desenhar por quatro semanas, desenhou na semana 6,7,8 e vai desenhar esta semana 9 mais dois outros e um par. Boa informação e fontes corretas são a melhor maneira de fazer algumas dinheiro fácil. Você quer aumentar seus lucros Você está no lugar certo Em nosso site você pode obter boas combinações com 100 lucros garantidos. Visite naijafixedmatches. blogspot bizbrain está de volta. Onde você foi. Estou com você sobre isso. Bem-vindo, de volta, chefe bizbrainko: boas informações e fontes corretas são a melhor maneira de ganhar algum dinheiro fácil. Você quer aumentar seus lucros Você está no lugar certo Em nosso site você pode obter boas combinações com 100 lucros garantidos. Visite naijafixedmatches. blogspot. Está sendo feito um monte de pesquisas, as correspondências corrigidas por bro naija são as mais recentes de tudo. Você pode ter a certeza de que os dias que você perder para as casas de apostas acabaram. Nós lidamos estritamente com fósforos fixos, garantindo 100%. Naijafixedmatches. blogspot niyisky: bizbrain está de volta. Onde você foi. Estou com você sobre isso. Bem-vindo, de volta, o chefe, de volta, o chefe. Enviei-lhe um e-mail, responda o mais cedo possível. Bizbrainko: Fazendo um monte de pesquisas, as correspondências corrigidas por bro naija são as últimas de tudo. Você pode ter a certeza de que os dias que você perder para as casas de apostas acabaram. Nós lidamos estritamente com fósforos fixos, garantindo 100%. Naijafixedmatches. blogspot Semana 9 jackpot cbk 47 cbk da coputa, o comprovante comprovante em cada semana estranha, o último sorteio menos um para desenhar na próxima semana final. Ref wk.5 49 Bleep wk 7 48 Bleep wk 9 47 deve desenhar para consultoria, ligar. 08160867587 coputa: Semana 9 jackpot cbk 47 cbk de coputa, o comprovante comprovante em cada semana estranha, o último sorteio menos um para desenhar na próxima semana final. Ref wk.5 49 Bleep wk 7 48 Bleep wk 9 47 deve desenhar para consultoria, ligar. 08160867587 número 47 desencadeou como previsto, junte-se a nós agora, pois somos um dos melhores compiladores da Nigéria, fizemos muitos estacionários para serem milionários na temporada passada, e nesta temporada, pare de procurar jogos gratuitos para evitar perdas, com um pouco de contribuição, seu A vida financeira será aumentada. HURRY como o número de nossos assinantes atingiu o telhado, a porta logo será fechada. Semana 4 14 xx semana 5 13 xx semana 6 12 xx semana 7 11 xx semana 8 12 xx semana 9 13 xx semana10 14. COPUTA 08160867587 COPUTA SEMANA 10 PRESENTE PARA TODOS OS MEUS FANS 050613144041 COPUTA PROMOTORES ENEMIA coputa: COPUTA SEMANA 10 PRESENTE PARA TODOS OS MEUS FANS 050613144041 COPUTA PROMOTORES ENEMY Houve uma linha vencedora como previu viz 05,06 e 41 Semana 11, PRESENTE DE INDEPENDÊNCIA 020307111547 COPUTA WEEK 12 7, 15, 21, 33, 35 Os números acima foram os sorteios para a semana 3, a última semana da Austrália . Cada um deles escolherá um sorteio em semanas pares, a partir da semana6 SEMANA 06 07 Bleep SEMANA 08 15 Bleep SEMANA 10 21 Bleep SEMANA 12 33. coputa: SEMANA 12 7, 15, 21, 33, 35 Os números acima foram os sorteios para a semana 3 , A última semana da Austrália. Cada um deles escolherá um sorteio em semanas pares, a partir da semana6 SEMANA 06 07 Bleep SEMANA 08 15 Bleep SEMANA 10 21 Bleep SEMANA 12 33. SEMANA 14 BANQUEIRO 35 PAIR 4 E 24 1 Curtir 1 Compartilhe Bem-vindo ao wk.17 Cada vermelho adiciona o Dígitos do último desenho em cor vermelha, subtrair 3 da resposta para desenhar em marrom ... Wk.07 (vermelho) 48 4 8 12 - 3 9 semana9 (marrom) 9xx wk.11 (vermelho) 38 3 8 11 - 3 8 semanas.13 (castanho) 8xx wk.15 (vermelho) 49 4 9 13 - 3 10 semanas 17 castanho) 10 Birmingham vs cardiff chamada para os outros dois empates 08160867587 coputa: Bem-vindo ao wk.17 Cada vermelho adiciona os dígitos do Último desenho em cor vermelha, subtraia 3 da resposta para desenhar em marrom ... Wk.07 (vermelho) 48 4 8 12 - 3 9 semana9 (marrom) 9xx wk.11 (vermelho) 38 3 8 11 - 3 8 semana. 13 (marrom) 8xx wk.15 (vermelho) 49 4 9 13 - 3 10 semanas 17 castanho) 10 Birmingham vs cardiff chamada para os outros dois empates 08160867587 número 10 cbk SEMANA 18 BANKER adicione os dígitos do último sorteio em vermelho, para Desenhar em roxo, subtrair 3 dele, desenhar em marrom, adicionar o número da semana de p Semana de semana, desenhar em azul ... Wk.07 (vermelho) 484812 wk.08 (roxo) 12 xx 12 - 3 9 wk.09 09 Bleep 9 8 17 xk.10 (azul) 17 Bleep wk.11 ( Vermelho 3838 11 wk.12 (roxo) 11xx 11 - 3 8 semanas 13 (marrom) 8xxx 8 12 20 wk.14 (bl ue) 20xxx wk.15 (vermelho) 4949 13 wk.16 (roxo) 13xxx 13 - 3 10 wk.17 (marrom) 10xxx 10 16 26 xbk mais dois outros e um parMembros do Computer Card Supporters Club Por favor, envie quaisquer adições ou correções para esta lista para o Javascript necessário. Número atual de apoiantes: 83 Criados por inovadores líderes em segurança de software, design de sistemas de negociação e gerenciamento de riscos, Integração Estética. A tecnologia de verificação formal IMANDRA pendente de patente está revolucionando a segurança, estabilidade e transparência dos mercados financeiros globais. Os algoritmos financeiros são complexos. O raciocínio sobre eles é difícil. Das piscinas escuras às estratégias de negociação, o IMANDRA analisa os algoritmos para ajudá-lo a entender o que eles fazem, por que o fazem e o que pode dar errado. A Altera Corporation é pioneira do mundo em soluções de sistema-em-um-programável-chip. A Altera desenvolve os dispositivos lógicos programáveis ​​mais avançados da industrys, processadores configuráveis, núcleos DSP e ferramentas de software. Nossos clientes usam essas tecnologias para inovar em diversas áreas, incluindo comunicações de alta capacidade, entretenimento digital e próxima geração de computação no carro. Altera investe de forma agressiva em esforços de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. A pesquisa está atualmente em andamento no European Technology Center sobre síntese de hardware paralelo de linguagens de alto nível, algoritmos de otimização de datapath e ferramentas de design ASIC estruturadas de alta velocidade. Os projetos de desenvolvimento incluem colaborações de código aberto, como o Altera Nios IDE, baseado em Eclipse e GCC, e também controladores de memória DDR proprietários, filtros FIR e sistemas de vídeo. A Arcus Global é a principal empresa de nuvem do governo para SalesForce e Amazon Web Services no Reino Unido. Sua equipe diversa e inspiradora está constantemente empurrando os limites do que pode ser alcançado em aplicações multi-inquilino, móveis e revolucionárias. Nós trazemos avanços em interface geoespacial, humana-máquina-interface, identidade e distribuição nas mãos da proteção de linha de frente e serviços de suporte. Nossas aplicações melhoram, ampliam e protegem a vida dos cidadãos através da efetiva computação social. A Arcus oferece aos diplomados a oportunidade de desenvolver experiência comercial nas tecnologias mais influentes do momento, tudo em uma atmosfera divertida e solidária. A inovação tecnológica impulsiona o crescimento da Amazônia e ficou encantada em oferecer um estágio emocionante e oportunidades de pós-graduação para engenheiros de desenvolvimento de software. Quer seja na sede do Reino Unido, nos Centros de Desenvolvimento (Edimburgo, Dublin, Centro de Londres) ou em Seattle, você poderia estar trabalhando como Engenheiros de Desenvolvimento de Software em várias iniciativas para os sites e serviços globais da Amazones. Para graduados ambiciosos, como você, com a intenção de desenvolver uma carreira de sucesso, o resultado é um ambiente de aprendizado técnico bastante diferente de qualquer outro. Trabalhar duro. Diverta-se. Fazer história. Argon Design é uma pequena empresa de serviços de design com sede no St Johns Innovation Center. Somos especializados em design de eletrônicos e software nas áreas de multimídia, processadores multicore e redes. Nós empregamos apenas os melhores engenheiros de qualidade do Google e nos concentramos em fazer projetos difíceis, apresentando novas idéias e criando soluções inovadoras para nossos clientes. Recentemente, desenvolvemos um sistema de videoconferência, portámos o Android para o nosso próprio hardware, desenvolveram um algoritmo de processamento de imagem de correção de alcance dinâmico, escrevemos um gerador de pacotes de rede de 10Gbps, criamos uma demonstração de monitoramento QoE de vídeo em rede e parte projetada de uma GPU. Algumas de nossas equipes foram anteriormente responsáveis ​​pelo lançamento de capital de risco Alphamosaic, que desenvolveu a solução multimídia para o Apple iPod e o Raspberry Pi. Estamos à procura de graduados recentes em PhD em busca de emprego agora ou para alunos que se formem e estarão procurando emprego no próximo verão. Visite argondseign para saber mais. Comunicação financeira mundial - Isto é mais o que oferecemos. É quem somos, em 126 países. Nós ajudamos a mudar a maneira como o mundo examina notícias e informações financeiras, e esse impulso ainda nos inspira. Nosso sucesso é devido à inovação de nossos produtos, à nossa dedicação ao atendimento ao cliente e a nossa forma única de se adaptar constantemente a um mercado em constante mudança. Mas acima de tudo, nossos funcionários são fundamentais para manter nossa posição como líder mundial em informações financeiras. Nosso serviço ao cliente é extraordinário - 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, no seu idioma. As pessoas fazem Bloomberg. A Bloomberg criou uma posição única no setor de serviços financeiros com o serviço Bloomberg Professional. Nós fornecemos acesso instantâneo a dados financeiros históricos em tempo real e históricos, e a capacidade de agir sobre isso. Nossos clientes incluem bancos centrais do mundo, instituições de investimento, bancos comerciais, escritórios e agências governamentais, corporações e organizações de notícias. Temos muitas áreas nas quais você pode brilhar. Você pode trabalhar para o nosso negócio principal, o Bloomberg Professional Service, ou juntar-se aos times de alguns de nossos produtos de mídia, desde nossas redes de televisão e rádio até nossas revistas e livros. Temos uma reputação de excelência em todo o mundo e nossos funcionários são a chave para manter nossa reputação. Dê uma olhada em quem somos. Os desafios. As recompensas. A oportunidade. Sabemos que você gosta do que vê. Bromium é uma nova inicialização emocionante no cruzamento de Segurança e Virtualização. Bromium transforma o modelo de segurança de hoje na sua cabeça e explora a virtualização e os recursos de hardware mais recentes para mudar o equilíbrio de poder em favor dos bons e habilitar computação mais confiável em desktop, móvel e nuvem. A empresa foi fundada por um grupo de empresários em série com um longo historial de entrega de tecnologia disruptiva em novos produtos inovadores e bem sucedidos e elevou 9,2 milhões em financiamento de primeira rodada de empresas líderes de capital de risco. Estava à procura de engenheiros talentosos que gostam de trabalhar em problemas de software de sistemas desafiadores, no Windows e Linux, no kernel e no espaço de usuários, em computadores e dispositivos móveis. Temos escritórios em Cambridge e Cupertino, e temos postos permanentes e estagiários disponíveis. Cambridge Consultants é um lugar excepcional para trabalhar. Pessoas de alto nível nos procuram a reputação que geramos no mercado - uma reputação em que trabalhamos duro para manter. Todos os anos trabalhamos em mais de 300 projetos nas áreas de tecnologia médica e farmacêutica, comunicação sem fio, consumidor e industrial, energia e transportes e defesa e segurança. Como trabalhamos em uma variedade de setores, os projetos são naturalmente diversos, empregando equipes multidisciplinares para resolver o problema em questão. Nós raramente nos pedimos para fazer o mundano ou aparentemente fácil em vez disso, nós prosperamos nos problemas difíceis ou nunca antes. Estamos procurando formandos talentosos para se juntar a nossas equipes de engenheiros inovadores. Nosso trabalho envolve o desenvolvimento de produtos de ponta para nossos clientes, usando uma variedade de novas tecnologias. Realizamos uma ampla gama de tarefas diversas, rápidas e desafiadoras, e envolvem engenharia de sistemas, desenvolvimento de algoritmos, engenharia de software embutido e processamento de sinal digital. Nos orgulhamos de empregar algumas das pessoas mais brilhantes e capazes. Nosso objetivo é fornecer os desafios e as oportunidades de treinamento que você precisa para alcançar todo seu potencial no trabalho. Cantab Capital Partners é um gestor sistemático de fundos globais de hedge macro com base em Cambridge. Utilizamos um processo de investimento rigoroso, sistemático e verificável. Acreditamos que nosso objetivo é entregar os objetivos específicos de orçamento de risco e construção de carteira de nossos investidores em todos os tempos. Buscamos executar nossos processos de construção de investimento e carteira para fornecer retornos com baixa correlação aos ativos tradicionais, bem como a outros fundos de hedge. Os modelos são implementados por um sistema de análise e negociação de propriedade e o fundo comercializa futuros líquidos e contadores de moeda. Temos acesso a algumas das tecnologias e dados mais sofisticados em Wall Street, incluindo motores multi-threaded e distribuídos de alta freqüência, bases de dados sincronizadas rápidas, bibliotecas analíticas financeiras e linguagens de propósito específico. Codestars criam os cursos de codificação mais populares do mundo. Nossos cursos são implacáveis ​​práticos, com foco na construção de sites e aplicativos reais. Ensinamos mais de meio milhão de pessoas em todo o mundo a codificar. Nós também fornecemos serviços de certificação e recrutamento para nossos alunos. A Cyberscience Corporation oferece um ambiente muito atraente para desenvolvedores de software pendentes. Nós produzimos uma solução de Business Intelligence líder mundial. Este é um campo altamente competitivo e mantemos nossa liderança com idéias inteligentes e práticas de trabalho inteligentes. Em um ambiente informal, mas bem gerenciado, você terá a oportunidade de projetar, implementar e sintonizar linguagens de alto nível, compiladores, software de rede e a experiência do usuário para que nosso produto principal, Cyberquery, fique na vanguarda. Você se juntará a uma equipe de desenvolvedores de software altamente talentosos e comprometidos e você rapidamente contribuirá de forma visível e valiosa para um aspecto importante de nossos produtos. Nós mantemos a administração e a burocracia ao mínimo e fornecemos responsabilidade inicial para tornar o seu trabalho gratificante. As habilidades que precisamos incluem: um interesse real na tecnologia de ponta, uma habilidade comprovada na resolução de problemas, a capacidade de identificar e implementar rapidamente soluções de primeira linha e sólida experiência de codificação e depuração. Em troca, oferecemos: treinamento, horário de trabalho flexível, responsabilidade real desde o primeiro dia, um mentor e gerente para ajudá-lo a atingir seus objetivos, um excelente salário, oportunidades de viagem e um bom ambiente de trabalho com pessoas de mentalidade similar e tanto hardware como Software como você precisa. Graduados e pós-graduados começam em 16330.000, mais um pagamento único inicial de 1633.000. No final do seu segundo ano, você deve ganhar um pacote superior a 16340.000 Área de Negócios: Desenvolvimento de Software. Estabelecido: 1977. Localizações: Hertfordshire Reino Unido, Ilha de Man, Colorado EUA e Sydney, Austrália. Cydar foi fundada em março de 2012 por Tom Carrell, um cirurgião endovascular líder e Graeme Penney, um especialista em imagens 2D-3D. Nosso software combina automaticamente com a tomografia computadorizada pré-operatória do paciente8217 para imagens de raio-x em tempo real em tempo real durante a cirurgia, superando com precisão a anatomia de tecido mole 3D na forma de um 3D 8216satnav para cirurgiões8217. O sistema usa algoritmos de processamento de imagem baseados em GPU e computação de alto desempenho baseada na nuvem para rastrear o paciente ao longo de um procedimento, reconhecendo e respondendo imediatamente ao movimento do paciente e às diferenças posturais. A tecnologia, focada inicialmente em cirurgia endovascular, está atualmente passando por ensaios clínicos multicêntricos e foi usada com sucesso em mais de 180 procedimentos. A aprovação regulamentar da UE e da FDA está prevista para o terceiro trimestre de 2015 na conclusão dos ensaios clínicos. Atualmente, a empresa emprega 9 pessoas e tem sede em Barrington, a uma curta distância de Cambridge. Atualmente, Cydar procura um ou dois estagiários para trabalhar com nossa pequena equipe de desenvolvimento em projetos autônomos destinados a preparar o sistema para vendas iniciais. O DisplayLink é uma empresa de chips e software cuja tecnologia é usada em produtos das principais marcas de computadores e periféricos mundiais. Nossa tecnologia aparece em monitores USB e sem fio, estações de encaixe, adaptadores de vídeo e muito mais. Os produtos com tecnologia DisplayLink suportam os últimos notebooks, tablets, telefones usando Windows, OS X, Android e Ubuntu. Devido ao crescimento contínuo e ao sucesso de nossos produtos, a DisplayLink está procurando formandos talentosos para se juntar à nossa equipe de engenheiros inovadores para ajudar a projetar e desenvolver o software host e o software incorporado para a nossa gama crescente de ASICs de exibição de rede. Estamos à procura de indivíduos criativos com uma verdadeira paixão pelas tecnologias emergentes. Dê uma olhada no displaylinkcareers para descobrir mais sobre a vida no DisplayLink. Com o DisplayLink, expandir seu espaço de trabalho visual nunca foi tão fácil ou acessível. Nossa tecnologia torna muito fácil conectar qualquer exibição a qualquer computador que suporte USB ou WiFi (o que significa qualquer computador). Dividiti é uma empresa baseada em Cambridge em uma missão emocionante para permitir computação eficiente, confiável e barata em todos os lugares. E nós queremos dizer 8220everywhere8221: de computadores minúsculos incorporados em coisas inteligentes a supercomputadores enormes. Acreditamos que otimizar a computação. Ou seja, aumentar sua eficiência e diminuir seu custo, é fundamental para a inovação e o bem-estar. Nós também acreditamos em otimizar os esforços humanos para produzir conhecimento confiável e reutilizável, e é por isso que estamos cruzando o RampD reprodutível e colaborativo. Juntamente com uma comunidade crescente em toda a indústria e academia, estamos desenvolvendo conhecimento coletivo (CK), uma metodologia aberta para otimizar sistemas de computador e esforços humanos. Semelhante à Wikipédia, a CK convida uma ampla comunidade a compartilhar programas representativos, conjuntos de dados, ferramentas e modelos preditivos como componentes reutilizáveis, experiências multidões e reproduzir experimentos e aplicar análises preditivas para aumentar continuamente o conhecimento de otimização. Por exemplo, estamos colaborando com o ARM em análise de desempenho rigorosa e reprodutível para projetar sistemas mais eficientes e com a General Motors na otimização de algoritmos baseados em aprendizagem profunda para a condução autônoma. Estamos convidando engenheiros de mentalidade semelhante para se juntarem a nós Se você está olhando para trabalhar em sistemas de computador de sangramento com RampD com um impacto societal de longo alcance, entre em contato há mais de 25 anos, os especialistas em recrutamento de alta tecnologia com base em Cambridge ECM combinaram com sucesso Candidatos excepcionais com empresas líderes. Para softwares de ponta, eletrônicos e outros papéis técnicos, do nível de graduação para diretor. Candidatos e clientes recebem um serviço inteligente, pessoal e não-agressivo. A ECM é especializada no recrutamento de graduados de alto calibre, doutores e engenheiros de software experientes, desenvolvedores de hardware, arquitetos de sistemas e outros especialistas com uma sólida base técnica. Para pequenas e médias empresas de alto crescimento e consultorias técnicas em todo o Reino Unido - envolvidas no desenvolvimento de tecnologias de próxima geração. As áreas de aplicação incluem Sistemas operacionais avançados Arquiteturas de rede Sistemas de telecomunicações Processamento de voz e imagem Processamento de sinal digital Gráficos 3D Ferramentas de modelagem financeira de áudio e vídeo digital Dispositivos médicos Instrumentação avançada e outras tecnologias emergentes. Para obter detalhes sobre o nosso serviço e uma lista atualizada das oportunidades atuais, visite ecmselection. co. uk Área de negócios Saldo inicial Saldo 16318.000 a 16390.000 por ano A tecnologia está revolucionando como e onde aprendemos o 8211 e nossas equipes inovadoras na EF Educação Em primeiro lugar estão na vanguarda deste movimento. Desenvolvemos aplicações digitais para transformar a experiência de aprendizagem em sala de aula para estudantes em todo o mundo. A EF é a maior empresa de educação privada do mundo 8217, empregando mais de 43 mil pessoas em 50 países. Uma carreira com EF combina o apoio e a oportunidade de uma grande organização com o espírito e a energia de uma pequena empresa. Buscamos pensadores e criadores 8211 pessoas criativas, colaborativas e motivadas que estão entusiasmadas com educação, comunicação e viagens. Com o nosso alcance global, you8217ll tem acesso a oportunidades em todo o mundo. Launch your career at a company where challenges, ownership and opportunities begin on day one. Whether it8217s shadowing a division president, researching new product lines, traveling to offices in Shanghai and Lucerne or all of the above, at EF you can accelerate your international career while collaborating with some of the best and brightest minds. For more information about EF Education First visit: EF and technology and Working at EF. Ellexus makes tools to help people solve Linux application deployment and tuning problems that arise with high performance computing and cloud optimisation. We are in the process of developing a new product that will use our existing technology to carry out dependency analysis and IO profiling to help IT managers and engineers ensure their applications are using a high performance computing cluster as it should. Ensoft is one of the UKs most successful small software companies, with a team of over 60 engineers and over 1639.5 million in revenue. Ensoft is also the best small software company to work for in the UK, according to the Sunday Times awards. Weve grown by recruiting some of the very best Oxbridge graduates each year. We are a networking software company developing the systems and protocols that run the Internet. We have a long-term relationship with Cisco Systems and offer graduates the opportunity to work on leading edge networking technology. Jobs are based just outside London, in Hertfordshire. The work environment is excellent. We offer flexible working hours and distractions like table football, pool and table tennis, together with a very active social life ranging from weekly breakfast, lunches and trips to the cinema and local bars to fell walking and weekends in places like Reykjavik and Valencia. We have an extensive induction course which can be tailored to each individual. Thereafter, there is an ongoing mentor scheme and comprehensive training and development. Number of vacancies . In recent years we have recruited around 4-6 graduates per year, plus 2 summer internships. Salary . 16335,000 graduate salary rising rapidly in line with performance plus discretionary bonus that can grow to be a substantial part of the remuneration package, profit share, stock ownership schemes and pension. Intern salary is 16325,000 pro-rata For more information visit ensoft. co. uk Entrepreneur First is the way for exceptional computer scientists to build tech startups when they graduate. We select around 30 graduates each year on the basis of their technical ability, ambition and drive. These people join us for 12 months, during which we support them to build a team, develop an idea and accelerate their startup. EF provides seed investment, mentoring, training, office space, legal and accounting support and access to a huge network of investors, entrepreneurs and experts. Our last cohort of 33 individuals teamed up to form 11 startups, which are now collectively valued at around 33m. Two of our startups were subsequently funded by YCombinator. Our startups are tackling problems as diverse as aerial robotics (Mavrx), git for everyone (Kivo) and global philanthropy (Prizeo). Our application cycle runs annually from October to December. We select purely on the basis of individual talent no team or idea are needed to apply. More information can be found at: entrepreneurfirst. org. uk FiveAI is building the world8217s most reliable autonomous vehicle software stack to solve the most difficult problem of all 8211 delivering a solution that8217s safe in complex urban environments, without any driver involvement. That8217s defined as the top level in autonomy 8211 5. Early approaches have required highly-accurate dense 3D prior maps and localization to solve this challenge. At Five AI we8217re using stronger AI to solve the challenge, meaning we don8217t need to map 37.2 million kilometers of road across the planet to deliver a reliable solution. Our solution involves developing novel technology in the fields of computer vision, multi-agent systems and behavior intent prediction. The FiveAI solution will enable safe, cost effective urban mobility for all and we8217ll be announcing partnerships to deliver it to consumers in staged deployments across cities and towns as they grow. We8217re always looking for talented computer scientists, data scientists, mathematicians and engineers to join and help us in building the future of mobility. Please see our website for more details of our open positions. Frontier Developments Limited is a world leading, award-winning, independent games development company which has built on the work of its founder David Braben since Elite in the early 1980s. We strive to fuse cutting-edge art and technology with a unique gaming heritage, focussed on entertainment, to give Frontiers games a compelling edge. Located on Cambridge Science Park, we foster a friendly, open, professional working environment where all are encouraged to share their ideas and develop their skills and careers. Currently employing over 150 people, we are recruiting now for major game projects with top publishers on new generation consoles details of job opportunities are available at frontier. co. ukjobs. html Contact: Javascript required A business founded within Cambridge University is fast becoming the future of big data management globally. Cambridge-based GeoSpock is hiring fast and co-founder and CEO Steve Marsh aims to double the size of the team over the next 12 months. GeoSpock is offering a range of attractive benefits for recruits including competitive compensation, with stock options private healthcare and dental cover pension plan income protection and life assurance. The company was founded by Steve Marsh while reading for his PhD at Cambridge University8217s world-famous Computer Laboratory. He was developing a real-time, extreme-scale super computer for simulating human brain function. In 2013 he teamed up with Dr Darrin M Disley, a parallel entrepreneur, to found GeoSpock, with the aim of creating 8216the Google of big data8217 8211 8220a big data search engine for the rapidly-changing, multi-dimensional, physical world.8221 In February 2015, GeoSpock welcomed Internet life science pioneer Dr Jonathan Milner to its board of directors and last October closed a Series A investment round of 1633.5 million. GeoSpock8217s first product is a high performance, cloud-based database service with a simple-to-use API, suitable for all location-tagged information and able to deal with enormous data sets, and massive concurrent load, straight out of the box. 8220Our vision is to become the go-to solution for complex big data. Beyond location, we8217re committed to extending the reach of our technology, bringing the same speed, scalability and simplicity advantages to applications including weather modelling, facial recognition and DNA sequencing for healthcare.8221 How do we organize the world8217s information and make it universally accessible and useful Google started with that question. Today, Googlers continue to ask the hard questions, and with a healthy disregard for the impossible, they are building better answers. From changing the way people access the internet to translating the web into every known language, we create, craft, and code technology that makes a difference. Check out our career opportunities at googlecareers - and lets build answers together. GRAKN. AI is an open-source knowledge graph platform that leverages the power of machine reasoning to help you build the next generation of intelligent applications. Grakn is a platform that stores data in a way that allows machines to understand the meaning of information in the context of their relationships. Grakn performs machine reasoning through Graql, a knowledge-oriented graph query language that performs inference and graph analytics to draw insights over deep network data. GRAKN. AI was initially founded in Cambridge, and currently based in London. Were a team of bright engineers with Masters and PhDs from Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, UCL, Columbia and other world renowned universities. Grapeshot is a technology leader in search and contextual analysis. We provide editorial and advertising solutions to major sites and advertisers. Our many customers include Virgin Media, Daily Mail, AppNexus, Turn, WPP and many others. Grapeshot processes millions of requests per second every single day, bringing huge scaling challenges. This is an opportunity to join a fast growing business, using cutting edge technology and be part of the core technical team developing SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions to meet the needs of on-line publishers and advertisers today. G-RESEARCH produces investment research, software and IT systems for use in investment management. Since inception, G-RESEARCH has been focussed on achieving the best combinations of technology and trading ideas. Every day we invest in our people, systems, networking and software with the goal of producing integrated automated trading platforms for systematic trading strategies. Over the years since we started, we have developed a sophisticated research platform, to leverage investment knowledge in a systematic way. Our systems software and trade settlement services are used for trading in markets around the globe and around the clock. G-RESEARCH has invested heavily in people and systems with a view to the longer term and growing the business. We have many talented financial and technical professionals who enjoy making the business succeed. Our employees are organised into small teams that work closely together, either on projects in their business area, or for the business as a whole. The organisation of these teams, along with our flat management structure, provides a highly motivating and stimulating environment in which to work. Good ideas are prized and encouraged from all employees. For more information on graduate and internships opportunities please visit our website gresearch. co. uk GRB provide a free recruitment service to students seeking internships and graduates seeking top graduate jobs. We work with hundreds of top recruiters across the UK, looking for IT students and graduates. GSA is a collaboration of approximately 100 people. For a decade we have worked together creating and applying innovative technologies to solve problems in the investment management industry. Over 60 of our staff work in research or on developing technology necessary to enable and monetise our research. We are an eclectic mix of scientists, programmers, economists, psychologists and a great deal more. We live by the scientific method in building quantitative models that analyse and predict real world behaviour. We implement algorithms based on these models to systematically invest in markets. Our novel methods have won us many accolades and awards in a sector traditionally associated more with pin striped suits than harnessing the power of big data. At GSA we avoid unnecessary hierarchy and bureaucracy, preferring to maintain a flat corporate structure. We reward people based on merit and excellence, not necessarily on experience. Halarose is an established supplier of electoral software to local authorities in Great Britain. Almost one third of voters in the UK is registered to vote with local authorities that use Halarose software. We are a small software house with great ambitions. This means you can have the significant personal impact that comes with a small, close-knit team, but also enjoy the experience and reach of a well-established company. We believe in investing in people, and enjoy operating in a dynamic team environment where everyone contributes. We are always on the lookout for talented individuals who like to be involved, are passionate about their chosen field and can add enthusiasm to the office. To see our current vacancies go to halarose. co. uk. holidaysplease. co. uk is an online luxury holiday company. They have grown from 3 people to over 90. Despite their growth they still retain that start up culture. Innovation and technology is at the heart of what Holidaysplease does and its one of the ways the company became the recent two-time winner of Online Travel Agency Of The Year. If you have a scientific background with an interest in programming and would like a job that deals with exciting, innovative projects then please get in touch. Not all those who wander are lost8230.. The Hut Group is a multi-website technology company that is reimaging online retail. A two-time Sunday Times profit track winner, we are a nimble giant with a start-up mentality. Built on a foundation of industry-leading technology, a world-class team and an intelligent approach to business, the Hut Group is fast becoming the world8217s most important online retail organisation. We are building the world8217s best online retail technology platform amp operate 60 high-profit health and beauty websites at global scale, serving 500 million visitors in over 190 countries worldwide. Our Graduate Leadership Scheme is strongly geared toward creating commercial leaders able to execute business strategy and drive the continued expansion of the Group into International growth markets including the US, Scandinavia, Euro Zone, Asia and Eastern Europe. Our graduates work in a variety of roles and departments (online trading, marketing, buying, supply chain, commercial analysis, technology, finance) and disciplines to solve our biggest challenge8212 scaling The Hut Group into a globally significant ecommerce player and the World8217s leading Online Destination for Health and Beauty. Infoactive Media is a cutting-edge online publishing firm specialising in the development of interactive websites and advanced business information services. Committed to the creation of useful and compelling destination sites that empower our users, Infoactive owns and operates some of the UK8217s most heavily used online business directories. To see our work in action please visit bizwiki. co. uk and Accessplace IMC financial markets is one of the world8217s leading proprietary trading firms and a key market maker in various products listed on exchanges throughout the world. We are a high frequency trading firm, but we are just as much a software company. High performance algorithms and smart strategies are the core of our business. Consider an environment where your decisions have direct impact on the company8217s total trading profits and where teamwork and innovation are recognized and rewarded. IMC Financial Markets has offices in Amsterdam, Chicago, Sydney and Zug. We are a London based technology company who want to enable new experiences by unlocking the power of distributed, real-time, persistent simulations. We want this to totally change gaming, as well as open new opportunities in diverse industries such as health, finance, defence and city automation. Our Engineers stem predominantly from Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial and MIT and are alumni of Google, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, eBay and GSA to name a few. Together we love solving new, complex, interesting problems We take significant pride in areas like code quality, testing and rigorous reviews. We are privately funded by a carefully selected group of experienced entrepreneurs and investors with roots in some of the biggest technology success stories of the last decade. In just two years, we have grown to over fifty-five people, and we continue to expand aggressively as we prepare for a pivotal, ambitious year ahead that will see us emerge from stealth mode. Infectious Media are a young, vibrant and award winning company specialising in real-time advertising. Founded in 2008 at the inception of real-time bidding (RTB), we were one of the first real-time practitioners globally and a pioneer in Europe. Today, we run campaigns for leading advertisers from our offices in London, Paris and Hamburg. On any given day we have campaigns live in over 50 countries. Each month we process more than 40 billion ad decisions and 100 gigabytes of data across 60 different sources. Purpose built from the ground up, our team is structured to be expert in all of the multi-faceted aspects needed to make real-time advertising work. We are analysts, data scientists, engineers, digital media practitioners and business operations professionals all with the common goal of delighting our clients. Jane Street is a proprietary trading firm of around 300 people that operates around the clock and around the globe. We bring a deep understanding of markets, a scientific approach, and sophisticated technology to bear on the problem of trading profitably in the worlds highly-competitive financial markets. For computer scientists fascinated by complex, real-world problems, Jane Street is no ordinary place to work. We believe in applying functional programming to the real world. Our primary programming language is OCaml, and we use it for everything from systems administration to high-performance trading systems. The work is both challenging and uncompromisingly practical. You get to see your projects in action with quick and dramatic results. The atmosphere is informal (people mostly wear jeans and t-shirts), the discussions are lively, and the lunches are free. We have a wide range of developers: some wrote compilers in a previous life, others are experts in numerics, and many are proponents of open source software. We are recruiting for both full time and internship positions in our offices in London, New York and Hong Kong. There are also opportunities in trading, research, operations, accounting and legal. More details at janestreet . Theres not a single part of our business that isnt empowered and enhanced by the creative thinking of J. P. Morgan technologists. In an industry this competitive, being the best means deploying high-speed software and infrastructure alongside leading engineering and application development. We have petabytes of data running across our internal cloud computing platform, delivering complex analytics constantly, in real time. Our firms response to volatile conditions, our ability to react quickly and intelligently, and our margin of success over our competitors - often comes down to technology. This is an incredible career opportunity in a world you may never have considered, a place where your innovations have the power to ignite business successes. To find out more and apply please visit: techcareers. jpmorgantechcareersemeahome King is a leading interactive entertainment company for the mobile world, with people all around the world playing one or more of our games. We have developed more than 200 fun titles, and offer games in over 200 countries and regions. Our franchises include Candy Crush, Farm Heroes, Pet Rescue and Bubble Witch. We have 340 million average monthly unique users as of second quarter 2015 across web, social and mobile platforms. At King, we design games with a broad appeal, which allow people to play for a moment, then move on with their day and pick up their game later. Our games are also synchronised across platforms, allowing players to switch seamlessly between devices and platforms and continue their game wherever they left off, so they can play anywhere, any time and on any device. For us, this is encapsulated in the idea of bitesized entertainment. We employ a select group of talented engineers to solve hard problems quickly and correctly, from PCB design through FPGAs, embedded firmware and Linux based systems up to scalable cloud and mobile systems. We currently have projects in, among other things, low-power radio, video codec optimisation, telematics, home alarm systems amp building automation, mostly in assembler, C, C and Java. On the way we encounter some surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly) hard problems in network protocol design, state representation, fault tolerance, security and concurrency among others. Our teams are small, the company is friendly, and our management structure is fairly flat. You will be expected to have a good grounding in both theoretical and practical aspects of computer science, and take responsibility for major subsystems of widely deployed consumer and industrial products at an early stage. In return, we offer a decent salary, proper flexitime, free food, and an acute interest in getting the right answer, not just the expedient one. Founded in Cambridge in June 2010, Linaro is a collaborative engineering organisation with over 200 engineers working on consolidating and optimising Linux open source software for the ARM architecture, including developer tools, the Linux kernel, ARM power management, and other software infrastructure. Linaros goal is to provide the best software foundations to everyone, and to reduce non-differentiating and cosstly low-level fragmentation. The majority of Linaros engineering work is open to all online. MediaTek8217s technology not only powers the smartphones and tablets helping people around the world get online for the first time, but also the Smart TVs and wearable technology that offer completely new ways to communicate. MediaTek is a fabless semiconductor company, which is another way of saying we design chips for electronic devices that our partners manufacture. We design cutting-edge system-on-chip (SoC) solutions for cellular handsets and tablet devices fixed and wireless connectivity high-definition TV optical storage and DVD and Blu-ray products. MediaTek is headquartered in Taiwan and has sales and research subsidiaries in mainland China, Singapore, India, U. S. Japan, South Korea, Denmark, the UK, Sweden and Dubai. Our RampD centre in Cambourne (near Cambridge) develops smartphone SW and cellular system technology, and our RampD centre in Kent develops RF technology. Made Tech is a team of engineers who, through techniques such as continuous delivery, agile, fast feedback and pair programming, are dedicated to changing the way software is delivered in every organisation. Were proud of the software we build, and the faster we can get it into the hands of users, the better. Primarily focused on software for the web, and recognised as UK market leaders in providing Ruby on Rails solutions, we produce expertly crafted software built with a continually evolving list of technologies. Based in central London, we have a number of graduate positions available, which you can learn more about here . Mendeley is a fast growing company with a mission to change the way scientists and academics do research. We provide a free reference manager which runs on desktop, web and mobile platforms and has 4 million users. We also have the worlds largest collection of scientific articles, and a social network tailored for academics. Were looking for smart software engineers to join our team as we build tools to accelerate the process of research. The company has just moved into brand new offices in Moorgate, London. Metaswitch Cambridge, Enfield, Edinburgh, Coventry, Chester Metaswitch is powering the transition of communication networks into a cloud-based, software-centric, all-IP future. We work with customers across the world, from established giants - such as BT, ATampT, Cisco and Microsoft - to more nimble companies (like us) who are creating the next big breakthroughs in the ways we communicate. Were hiring the brightest minds, the most creative thinkers (from all years and disciplines), to help shape this dramatic new landscape and become world class software engineers. You need an excellent academic record, a good degree in any subject and an enquiring mind. You do not need any prior computing experience as full training is provided. Find out why Metaswitch calls itself The Brains of the New Global Network. Graduate and Internship opportunities are on-going and open to all disciplines and years. Please see careers. metaswitch for more information. (16332k remuneration package with additional benefits). Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office Suite, and Internet Explorer web browser. Its flagship hardware products are Xbox game console and the Microsoft Surface series of tablets. It is the worlds largest software maker measured by revenues. A career at Microsoft empowers candidates to achieve more by giving them the Reach, Inspiration and Freedom they8217ll need to Impact the world. Our message is simple: The work you do here will be the best work of your life. You8217ll collaborate with the brightest, most driven minds in the industry. And the things you create will affect the lives of billions of people around the world. We hire for Recent Grad amp Intern Software Engineer roles. Positions are available globally. Microsoft Research (MSR) have Research Labs based in Cambridge, Seattle, San Francisco and India. Today over 100 researchers, mostly from Europe, are engaged in computer science research at the lab. The city of Cambridge, England, was the clear choice for the location of the facility because of its world-renowned reputation and its rich history as a centre of learning. We are always looking for talented Researchers, Engineers and Post-Docs to join the Cambridge Lab as well as Interns throughout the year. If you are interested in pursuing Research as a career path, or want to explore some of the diverse fields of computer science, this is your opportunity to get a taste of a world-class research environment by working on real projects alongside some of the brightest minds in computer science. Partnering strategically with both the business units and industry-leading technolgoy companies across the globe, Morgan Stanley Information Technology continues to redefine the way the Firm conducts business worldwide. Utilizing innovations in technology to deliver critical information and improve productivity, the Firm invests some 1.5 billion a year in the development of IT infrastructure. State-of-the-art technical expertise has established the Firm as the industry leader in numerous areas, including e-commerce, object-oriented software engineering, sophisticated global trading systems, worldwide securities transactions processing, risk management systems and models to support derivates trading. Morgan Stanleys IT Analyst Training Programme is renowned for the intensity of technical training and the breadth of career opportunities it provides. IT Analysts are recruited globally for a particular office (New York London, Hong Kong or Tokyo) and train together in New York for 18 weeks before returning to their home office. Our ten-week IT Summer Analyst Programme is a challenging internship opportunity, solving complex problems through the appropriate use of technology. Summer Analysts are invited to interview for a full-time position on the IT Analyst Training Programme. Visit morganstanleyrecruiting for details of our Full-time and summer internship opportunities. Netcraft provides research data on the Internet and Internet security services, including anti-fraud and anti-phishing services, application testing, code reviews, and automated penetration testing to clients worldwide. Netcraft is currently looking to recruit software developers to its offices in Bath, England. We are keen to receive applications from high performing Computer Science graduates, and summer vacation interns. Projects involve working on a range of commercial services extending Netcrafts network exploration and internet security services. Ninja Theory Ltd. was formed in 2004 by four partners, including current Directors Nina Kristensen (Chief Development Director), Tameem Antoniades (Chief Creative Director) and Jez San OBE (Non-Executive Director). The studio pride themselves on striving for the highest production values and continually pushing the boundaries of technology, art and design to create evermore exciting video game experiences. Ninja Theory are proud to have worked with a long list of collaborators from creative industries outside of video games, including Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Hobbit), Alex Garland (The Beach, 28 Days Later), Nitin Sawhney (BBCs Human Planet), Noisia (Split The Atom) and Combichrist (Making Monsters). As well as partnering with talent from the world of music, literature and film, Ninja Theory pioneered the use of Performance Capture in video games. More information can be found at ninjatheory Ocado, the pioneering, award winning online retailer, is revolutionising the way people shop for groceries. With one of the largest automated warehouses (our 8220Customer Fulfilment Centre8221) in the world, leading edge inventory management and routing systems, innovative smartphone apps and a critically acclaimed web shop, our unique business model has enabled us to grow into a publicly listed company with a 163550million turnover in less than 10 years. Almost all of the software that runs our business is developed by Ocado Technology, Ocado8217s IT division, and we are continually looking to hire more top flight Computer Scientists (and graduates in related numerate disciplines) to build our next generation of software systems. From the combinatorial optimisation algorithms that fine tune our daily delivery routes to the machine learning techniques that drive our consumer demand forecasting, to the embedded control systems that operate our vast CFC, and designing the user interface experiences that form the public face of our company to our customers, we will offer you new challenges each and every day that will require you to apply all of your education and creativity to solve. OxFORD Asset Management is an investment management company with a quantitative focus, based in Oxford, England. We invest and trade world-wide, 24 hours a day. Most of our trading is done automatically by our proprietary algorithms and software. Our team of mathematicians, scientists and engineers work with the latest technologies to develop these algorithms and tools to navigate a wide range of markets. We apply computational models to financial markets, analysing a range of data and information, exploiting relationships among financial instruments such as stocks, futures, and currencies. We strive to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over time to our investors, who are pension funds, endowments, sovereign wealth funds and other institutions located throughout the world. Many of us are invested alongside our clients. Our team of 70 includes researchers, who identify opportunities and build our quantitative models and strategies, software engineers, who design the software that drives our investment strategies, and IT infrastructure specialists, who design and support our infrastructure. We tackle real-world problems with an open mind, and believe that the best ideas can come from anywhere. We place a great deal of value on clear thinking that leads to elegant solutions. We encourage a culture of innovation and craftsmanship, and embrace a philosophy of continual improvement. With release cycles measured in hours, you get immediate feedback on your work. We are a great team of really smart and friendly people from a wide range of backgrounds. Nobody wears a suit to the office. Were a collegiate group, with a flat management structure and no silos. At PA we create exciting new products 8211 our Cambridge Technology Centre makes things that save people, make our lives better and creates whole new ways of doing things. Our clients come from many different industries: from health to transport and from consumer goods to communications. Our software team are the people who write the code which runs the products, and the programs for the manufacturing lines that build them. We are the people who make our clients ideas reality. Other people talk about the internet of things, we are the ones who are making it happen. In recent projects our team have: 8226Developed and programmed the manufacturing machines for an award winning kitchen towel 8226Created from scratch a smart meter in-home display used in thousands of homes across the UK 8226Developed the firmware for a revolutionary crowd-sourced, energy-harvesting environmental monitoring bluetooth LE device 8226Developed embedded Linux software to control robots and optical systems 8226Created auto-calibration algorithms for massive scale visual inspection devices And we are doing many, many more things that we cant talk about We are looking for great programmers who love the variety of work we do and enjoy the challenge of writing code which will power the smart products of today and tomorrow. Along with our growing software team you will work with other electronic and mechanical engineers to bring our products to life. If you think you can help us create tomorrow8217s product go to graduates. paconsultinguk . Palantir makes software products that transform the way the most critical government, commercial, and non-profit institutions in the world use data to solve their hardest problems. Our products make people better at their most important work8212the kind of work you read about on the front page of the newspaper, not just the technology section. With Palantir, investigators are uncovering human trafficking rings, finding exploited children, and unraveling complex financial crimes. Humanitarian response organizations are directing resources more effectively to communities affected by natural disasters. Prosecutors are building stronger cases against insider traders. Public health officials are tracking and containing the spread of deadly diseases. Information security specialists are protecting sensitive information from theft, misuse, and abuse. And this is just the beginning. We are working to build a future in which public institutions, commercial enterprises, and non-profit organizations can use data to function as they were designed8212to fulfill the mandates with which they8217ve been entrusted, to deliver value to customers, and to distribute aid to those most in need. At our headquarters in Palo Alto and at our offices around the world we8217ve assembled a diverse group of people who combine practical expertise in distributed systems, algorithms, user experience design, human-computer interaction, machine learning, and more. Whatever their role or background, each Palantirian combines an uncompromising engineering mindset with an unwavering focus on the mission. We offer internships and full time employment in all our main locations which includes our European headquarters in Central London. PortSwigger Web Security is a global leader in the web security tools market. Our software is the de facto standard toolkit used by web security professionals. We are a small, dynamic company based near Manchester and are ranked one of the top performing organisations in the web application security sector. Our software is used globally by over 15,000 individuals, in 5,000 companies, across 90 countries. Pusher is a communication layer for application developers that routes data at scale and in realtime. We want to improve the lives of other developers by making hard problems simple, freeing them from operating and maintaining their own infrastructure. The current core Pusher product is a multi-tenant distributed system that allows our customers to deliver tens of billions of messages per month to their connected users. Founded in 2002 by the original developers of VNC technology RealVNC is a highly successful software company with hundreds of millions of users worldwide, ranging from the non-technical home user to IT professionals from global organisations such as Intel, IBM, and Philips. Based in Cambridge (UK) City Centre our team are experts in their respective fields with specialisms covering both software and operations and we are always happy to receive applications from exceptional candidates looking to join our team and contribute to the future success of RealVNC. For more information about RealVNC, including our company, products and career opportunities please visit our website: realvnc. Red Gate makes ingeniously simple tools used by over 600, 000 , SQL Server, and Oracle professionals worldwide. Our tools help people deliver their software to users, and manage their data. At Red Gate, we aim to be the best place you8217ve ever worked. We8217ve appeared in the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies for the last seven years, and we8217re the highest ranking software development company in the UK. Each year we employ graduates for a range of roles including Software Development and Testing. Take a look at red-gatecareers to find out more about working at Red Gate. Roku is the creator of the popular streaming platform for delivering entertainment to the TV. Consumers can stream from more than 1,000 channels ranging from Sky News, Netflix and You Tube and to all the UK catch-up services such as BBC iPlayer and 4oD. We develop and sell Roku streaming players and the Roku Streaming Stick. Roku licenses its operating system to TV manufacturers to create co-branded Roku TV models. Under the Roku Powered program, Roku licenses its streaming platform to Pay TV providers around the world including Sky UK and Sky Deutschland who want to use the Internet to deliver entertainment services through co-branded streaming players. We have a team of high-calibre engineers developing everything from hardware board design and chip selection, to writing high performance embedded software, crystal-clear UIs, and web-based backend services. Roku is headquartered in Saratoga, California with offices in Los Angeles New York Austin, Texas and Cambridge, UK. Were interested in undergraduate and postgraduate students, both for permanent positions and summer internships. Please get in touch if you want to get involved in developing the future of TV. Semmle is an exciting spin-out from the University of Oxford. Our platform and analytics allow our customers to improve their software development process using a pure data-driven approach. Semmle software provides automated feedback to individual developers, informs team managers about their teams performance, and provides executive officers with an overview of the state of various projects in an organisation. In order to do this effectively, weve developed our own query language (a type of object-oriented datalog) and database technology that allow for writing queries over source code. Bugs and violations of good coding practice are encoded as queries, which makes it incredibly easy to find other instances of known bugs or create customer-specific solutions. Query results are an objective and unique measure for the quality of a code base and of the contributions by developers. This measure is of critical importance for organisations that aim to produce high-quality software, and it allows taking well-informed (data-driven) decisions. For example, our platform helped NASA land their Curiosity Rover on Mars (see semmlenasa). The academic force in us is strong, which is why we publish a lot of our work at prime conferences and in high-impact journals (see semmlepublications). Were always looking for talented enthusiastic graduates to join our team in the city centre of Oxford - as an employee or intern. Are you passionate about programming languages, compilers, parsers, database technologies, data mining, or machine learning Will you help land the next Mars Rover Drop us an email, and well tell you more Skyscanner is the worlds travel search site, saving you time and money by finding the best travel options wherever you want to go. We are free and unbiased - over 50 million travellers around the world trust us each month to help them find the best flights, hotels and car hire. Our secret is in our self-built technology and global reach, connecting you directly to everything the travel industry has to offer. Available online and through our popular app, we can help you find inspiration for your next trip as well as the best travel deals. Our Tech Stats include: 12 million pricing services sessions a day 16311.2bn worth of airline tickets bought via the site in 2015 103,961,521 requests for data a day 5bn quotes archived a day, since the start of 2015 weve archived 150TB worth of quotes On average, 42,000 eventssec translating to something like 38 MBsec Software AG Apama (was previously Progress Software Apama), Cambridge, UK. Contact: Dr Kevin PalfreymanFounded in 1969 in Darmstadt, Germany, Software AG is the global leader in business processes, integration and big data. Our more than 40 years of innovation include the invention of the first high-performance transactional database, Adabas the first business process analysis platform, ARIS the first B2B server and SOA-based integration platform, webMethods and pioneering big data technology with Terracotta8217s BigMemory. Software AG has more than 5,400 employees in 70 countries and had revenues of 83641.05 billion in 2012. The company is headquartered in Germany and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As of August 2012, Software AG now also owns the market leading Complex Event Processing engine, Apama. Apama was founded in 2000 by two Computer Lab PhD graduates, Dr John Bates and Dr Giles Nelson, and was first acquired by Progress Software, and then by Software AG. Both founders are active in senior roles within Software AG, leading the on-going growth of the Apama business across a wide variety of global markets, with dedicated RampD teams in Cambridge, UK and Hyderabad, India. The SoftwareAG Apama Event Processing Platform (softwareagcorporateproductsbigdataapamaoverviewdefault. asp) is a complete environment for creating applications that monitor event streams, detect event patterns, and take action in real-time. The Apama platform includes the most sophisticated complex event processing (CEP) language available. In Financial markets, where this technology has enjoyed huge success, Apama enables Sell-Side and Buy-Side firms to create unique high-frequency algorithmic trading strategies that transcend commoditized black box algorithms across any asset class. Other applications are Market Surveillance and Monitoring, Customer Experience Management, Forex Electronic Commerce amp Aggregation, and any generic real-time analytics against Big Data in-motion and intelligent business operations. Apamas RampD office in Cambridge is staffed by a top notch group of Software Engineers, all at PhDMScBSc levels in Computer Science, Maths, Engineering and Physics, creating a stimulating and dynamic software developmen Softwire is an extremely successful London-based software house. We specialise in the development of software solutions - particularly web database systems - spanning a wide range of markets and technologies. We obtain projects that are stimulating and challenging, whilst providing exceptionally high quality solutions to our customers. Our employees will tell you that Softwire is a truly great - and probably unique - place to work, combining a relaxed and friendly environment with a superb all-round package of benefits. We are currently seeking top class graduates to train and work as software developers - further details are available on our web site (softwire. co. uk ). Area of Business

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